Implementation of oxygen enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (OE-MRI) and a pilot genomic study of hypoxia in bladder cancer xenografts
Shabbir, RekayaTelfer, B. A.
Dickie, B.
Reardon, M.
Babur, M.
Williams, K.
West, C. M. L.
Choudhury, Ananya
Smith, Tim A D
Division of Cancer Sciences, The University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K. The Christie Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, U.K.Issue Date
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BACKGROUND/AIM: Patients with hypoxic bladder cancer benefit from hypoxia modification added to radiotherapy, but no biomarkers exist to identify patients with hypoxic tumours. We, herein, aimed to implement oxygen-enhanced MRI (OE-MRI) in xenografts derived from muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) for future hypoxia biomarker discovery work; and generate gene expression data for future biomarker discovery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The flanks of female CD-1 nude mice inoculated with HT1376 MIBC cells. Mice with small (300 mm(3)) or large (700 mm(3)) tumours were imaged, breathing air then 100% O(2), 1 h post injection with pimonidazole in an Agilant 7T 16cm bore magnet interfaced to a Bruker Avance III console with a T2-TurboRARE sequence using a dynamic MPRAGE acquisition. Dynamic Spoiled Gradient Recalled Echo images were acquired for 5 min, with 0.1mmol/kg Gd-DOTA (Dotarem, Guerbet, UK) injected after 60 s (1 ml/min). Voxel size and field of view of dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE)-MRI and OE-MRI scans were matched. The voxels considered as perfused with significant post-contrast enhancement (p<0.05) in DCE-MRI scans and tissue were further split into pOxyE (normoxic) and pOxyR (hypoxic) regions. Tumours harvested in liquid N(2), sectioned, RNA was extracted and transcriptomes analysed using Clariom S microarrays. RESULTS: Imaged hypoxic regions were greater in the larger versus smaller tumour. Expression of known hypoxia-inducible genes and a 24 gene bladder cancer hypoxia score were higher in pimonidazole-high versus -low regions: CA9 (p=0.012) and SLC2A1 (p=0.012) demonstrating expected transcriptomic behaviour. CONCLUSION: OE-MRI was successfully implemented in MIBC-derived xenografts. Transcriptomic data derived from hypoxic and non-hypoxic xenograft regions will be useful for future studies.Citation
Shabbir R, Telfer BA, Dickie B, Reardon M, Babur M, Williams K, et al. Implementation of Oxygen Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (OE-MRI) and a Pilot Genomic Study of Hypoxia in Bladder Cancer Xenografts. Cancer genomics & proteomics. 2024 Jul-Aug;21(4):380-7.Journal
Cancer Genomics & ProteomicsDOI
10.21873/cgp.20455PubMed ID
38944425Additional Links
Scopus Count
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