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dc.contributor.authorCrosbie, P
dc.contributor.authorBalata, H
dc.contributor.authorEvison, M
dc.contributor.authorAtack, M
dc.contributor.authorBayliss-Brideaux, V
dc.contributor.authorColligan, D
dc.contributor.authorDuerden, R
dc.contributor.authorEaglesfield, J
dc.contributor.authorEdwards, T
dc.contributor.authorElton, P
dc.contributor.authorFoster, J
dc.contributor.authorGreaves, M
dc.contributor.authorHayler, G
dc.contributor.authorHiggins, C
dc.contributor.authorHowells, J
dc.contributor.authorIrion, K
dc.contributor.authorKarunaratne, D
dc.contributor.authorKelly, J
dc.contributor.authorKing, Z
dc.contributor.authorManson, S
dc.contributor.authorMellor, S
dc.contributor.authorMiller, D
dc.contributor.authorMyerscough, A
dc.contributor.authorNewton, T
dc.contributor.authorO'Leary, M
dc.contributor.authorPearson, R
dc.contributor.authorPickford, J
dc.contributor.authorSawyer, R
dc.contributor.authorScreaton, N
dc.contributor.authorSharman, A
dc.contributor.authorSimmons, M
dc.contributor.authorSmith, E
dc.contributor.authorTaylor, Benjamin
dc.contributor.authorTaylor, S
dc.contributor.authorWalsham, A
dc.contributor.authorWatts, A
dc.contributor.authorWhittaker, J
dc.contributor.authorYarnell, L
dc.contributor.authorThrelfall, A
dc.contributor.authorBarber, P
dc.contributor.authorTonge, J
dc.contributor.authorBooton, R
dc.identifier.citationImplementing lung cancer screening: baseline results from a community-based 'Lung Health Check' pilot in deprived areas of Manchester. 2018, Thoraxen
dc.description.abstractWe report baseline results of a community-based, targeted, low-dose CT (LDCT) lung cancer screening pilot in deprived areas of Manchester. Ever smokers, aged 55-74 years, were invited to 'lung health checks' (LHCs) next to local shopping centres, with immediate access to LDCT for those at high risk (6-year risk ≥1.51%, PLCOM2012calculator). 75% of attendees (n=1893/2541) were ranked in the lowest deprivation quintile; 56% were high risk and of 1384 individuals screened, 3% (95% CI 2.3% to 4.1%) had lung cancer (80% early stage) of whom 65% had surgical resection. Taking lung cancer screening into communities, with an LHC approach, is effective and engages populations in deprived areas.
dc.rightsArchived with thanks to Thoraxen
dc.titleImplementing lung cancer screening: baseline results from a community-based 'Lung Health Check' pilot in deprived areas of Manchester.en
dc.contributor.departmentManchester Thoracic Oncology Centre, Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UKen
html.description.abstractWe report baseline results of a community-based, targeted, low-dose CT (LDCT) lung cancer screening pilot in deprived areas of Manchester. Ever smokers, aged 55-74 years, were invited to 'lung health checks' (LHCs) next to local shopping centres, with immediate access to LDCT for those at high risk (6-year risk ≥1.51%, PLCOM2012calculator). 75% of attendees (n=1893/2541) were ranked in the lowest deprivation quintile; 56% were high risk and of 1384 individuals screened, 3% (95% CI 2.3% to 4.1%) had lung cancer (80% early stage) of whom 65% had surgical resection. Taking lung cancer screening into communities, with an LHC approach, is effective and engages populations in deprived areas.

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