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dc.contributor.authorHutton, D
dc.contributor.authorBeardmore, C
dc.contributor.authorPatel, I
dc.contributor.authorMassey, J
dc.contributor.authorWong, H
dc.contributor.authorProbst, H
dc.identifier.citationAudit of the job satisfaction levels of the UK radiography and physics workforce in UK radiotherapy centres 2012. 2014, 87 (1039):20130742 Br J Radiolen
dc.description.abstractWorkforce planning reports identify a staff shortfall that jeopardizes the ability of UK radiotherapy centres to meet future demands. Obtaining an understanding of the work experiences of radiotherapy professionals will support the development of strategies to increase job satisfaction, productivity and effectiveness.
dc.rightsArchived with thanks to The British journal of radiologyen
dc.titleAudit of the job satisfaction levels of the UK radiography and physics workforce in UK radiotherapy centres 2012.en
dc.contributor.departmentThe Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, NHS Foundation Trust, England, UK.en
dc.identifier.journalThe British Journal of Radiologyen
html.description.abstractWorkforce planning reports identify a staff shortfall that jeopardizes the ability of UK radiotherapy centres to meet future demands. Obtaining an understanding of the work experiences of radiotherapy professionals will support the development of strategies to increase job satisfaction, productivity and effectiveness.

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