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dc.contributor.authorGarcez, Kate
dc.contributor.authorLim, Chin C
dc.contributor.authorWhitehurst, P
dc.contributor.authorThomson, David J
dc.contributor.authorHo, Kean F
dc.contributor.authorLowe, M
dc.contributor.authorSykes, Andrew J
dc.contributor.authorLee, Lip W
dc.contributor.authorYap, Beng K
dc.contributor.authorSlevin, Nicholas J
dc.identifier.citationCarotid dosimetry for T1 glottic cancer radiotherapy. 2014:20130754 Br J Radiolen
dc.description.abstractObjective: Radiotherapy for T1 glottic cancer is commonly delivered using a lateral parallel opposed pair of megavoltage photon fields. There is increasing reported evidence of cerebrovascular events due to radiation-induced carotid stenosis. An alternative field arrangement is to use an anterior oblique technique. This study compares the carotid dosimetry between the two techniques and reviews the evidence for the risk of radiation-induced vascular events. Methods: The radiotherapy plans of 10 patients with T1 glottic cancer treated with an anterior oblique technique were examined for carotid dose. Alternative plans were then created using a parallel opposed pair of fields and the dose to the carotids compared. All patients received 50 Gy in 16 fractions treating once daily, for 5 days in a week. Results: The average of the mean dose to the carotids with the anterior oblique technique was 21 Gy compared with 37 Gy using the lateral parallel opposed pair arrangement (p < 0.0001). Conclusion: An anterior oblique field arrangement for the treatment of T1 glottic cancer results in a significantly lower radiation dose to the carotid arteries, which may be clinically important in terms of reducing the risk of cerebrovascular events in long-term survivors. Advances in knowledge: Although the anterior oblique technique for treating early glottic cancers is well described, and it is predictable that the dose received by the carotid arteries should be lower with this technique, to our knowledge this is the first study to quantify that reduction in dose with a series of patients.
dc.rightsArchived with thanks to The British journal of radiologyen
dc.titleCarotid dosimetry for T1 glottic cancer radiotherapy.en
dc.contributor.departmentDepartment of Clinical Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester, UKen
dc.identifier.journalThe British Journal of Radiologyen
html.description.abstractObjective: Radiotherapy for T1 glottic cancer is commonly delivered using a lateral parallel opposed pair of megavoltage photon fields. There is increasing reported evidence of cerebrovascular events due to radiation-induced carotid stenosis. An alternative field arrangement is to use an anterior oblique technique. This study compares the carotid dosimetry between the two techniques and reviews the evidence for the risk of radiation-induced vascular events. Methods: The radiotherapy plans of 10 patients with T1 glottic cancer treated with an anterior oblique technique were examined for carotid dose. Alternative plans were then created using a parallel opposed pair of fields and the dose to the carotids compared. All patients received 50 Gy in 16 fractions treating once daily, for 5 days in a week. Results: The average of the mean dose to the carotids with the anterior oblique technique was 21 Gy compared with 37 Gy using the lateral parallel opposed pair arrangement (p < 0.0001). Conclusion: An anterior oblique field arrangement for the treatment of T1 glottic cancer results in a significantly lower radiation dose to the carotid arteries, which may be clinically important in terms of reducing the risk of cerebrovascular events in long-term survivors. Advances in knowledge: Although the anterior oblique technique for treating early glottic cancers is well described, and it is predictable that the dose received by the carotid arteries should be lower with this technique, to our knowledge this is the first study to quantify that reduction in dose with a series of patients.

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