Treatment patterns and outcomes among patients diagnosed with unresectable stage III or IV melanoma in Europe: A retrospective, longitudinal survey (MELODY study).
Lebbe, CLorigan, Paul C
Ascierto, P
Testori, A
Bédane, C
Middleton, M
van Baardewijk, M
Konto, C
Dueymes, A
Maio, M
Department of Dermatology, APHP U976, Paris 7 Diderot University, Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris, France.Issue Date
Show full item recordAbstract
MELanoma treatment patterns and Outcomes among patients with unresectable stage III or stage IV Disease: a retrospective longitudinal surveY (MELODY), the first multicountry, observational survey in patients with advanced melanoma, aimed to quantify the impact of existing treatment strategies by capturing information on treatment patterns and clinical outcomes.Citation
Treatment patterns and outcomes among patients diagnosed with unresectable stage III or IV melanoma in Europe: A retrospective, longitudinal survey (MELODY study). 2012, 48 (17):3205-14 Eur J CancerJournal
European Journal of CancerDOI
10.1016/j.ejca.2012.05.010PubMed ID
Scopus Count
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