Effects of plutonium-239 on haemopoiesis. I. Quantitative and qualitative changes in CFU-S in different regions of the mouse femur and vertebrae.
Mice were injected with plutonium-239 (960 Bq/mouse) and, over a period of four months, the response of haemopoietic tissue and the self-renewal capacity of its stem cells was monitored. Cellularity, CFU-S concentration and self-renewal capacity were measured in five different regions of bone and marrow--axial and marginal marrow of the femoral shaft, femur shaft, proximal and distal ends of the femur shaft and vertebrae. Cellularities were little affected by plutonium but CFU-S were reduced in all regions, most severely in the bone shaft and marginal marrow due to the initial deposition of plutonium on the bone surface, by four days. The reduction in axial CFU-S, however, was due probably to a relatively long plasma half-life resulting from the tendency of plutonium to combine with plasma proteins. The capacity of CFU-S for self-renewal was reduced and remained low in all zones. Thus, although the highly self-renewing axial CFU-S were depleted, and remained so, due probably to a longer term redistribution of plutonium throughout the marrow, additional proliferation of the more mature CFU-S in the other zones kept their self-renewal low while replenishing their numbers and maintaining a normal cell output.Citation
Effects of plutonium-239 on haemopoiesis. I. Quantitative and qualitative changes in CFU-S in different regions of the mouse femur and vertebrae. 1986, 49 (6):1021-9 Int J Radiat Biol Relat Stud Phys Chem MedJournal
International Journal of Radiation Biology and Related Studies in Physics, Chemistry, and MedicinePubMed ID
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