Effects of repeated Corynebacterium parvum and BCG therapy on immune parameters: a weekly sequential study of melanoma patients. I. Changes in non-specific (NK, K and T cell) lymphocytotoxicity, peripheral blood counts and delayed hypersensitivity reactions.
Increased lymphocyte cytotoxicity, particularly of 'killer' K cell type was recorded with repeated immunizations of either C. parvum or BCG. A 3 week interval between immunizations was capable of maintaining the increase in cytotoxicity. No marked alterations of 'recall' skin hypersensitivity reactions nor of peripheral blood counts were noted. Expression of cytotoxicity results as percentage 51Cr release, lytic units/ml and cytotoxic capacity (after logit transformation of the cytotoxicity-lymphocyte curves) are described. A 3 week immunization schedule is suggested where BCG and C. parvum are used as immunotherapeutic agents, in the doses quoted.Citation
Effects of repeated Corynebacterium parvum and BCG therapy on immune parameters: a weekly sequential study of melanoma patients. I. Changes in non-specific (NK, K and T cell) lymphocytotoxicity, peripheral blood counts and delayed hypersensitivity reactions. 1979, 36 (2):227-36 Clin. Exp. Immunol.Journal
Clinical and Experimental ImmunologyPubMed ID
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