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dc.contributor.authorBaird, M C
dc.contributor.authorHendry, Jolyon H
dc.contributor.authorDexter, T Michael
dc.contributor.authorTesta, Nydia G
dc.identifier.citationThe radiosensitivity of populations of murine hemopoietic colony-forming cells that respond to combinations of growth factors. 1991, 19 (4):282-7 Exp. Hematol.en
dc.description.abstractCombinations of murine recombinant interleukin 3 (IL-3), purified murine macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF), and human recombinant interleukin 1 alpha (IL-1 alpha) were used to determine the effects of growth factors on the measured radiosensitivity of different populations of murine colony-forming cells (CFC). The data showed that combinations of growth factors resulted in different values of CFC radiosensitivity, being less than values observed when colony growth was stimulated using a single factor. For various combinations of growth factors, Do values ranged from 106 +/- 8 to 175 +/- 24 cGy for progenitor cells in normal bone marrow; 74 +/- 3 to 171 +/- 18 cGy for primitive multipotent CFC enriched using fluorescence-activated cell sorting; and from 46 +/- 4 to 131 +/- 10 cGy for more mature granulocyte-macrophage CFC, enriched by counterflow centrifugal elutriation. Only combinations of three factors produced the high values of Do reported in experiments using unpurified conditioned medium as a stimulus for colony formation.
dc.subject.meshBone Marrow
dc.subject.meshDrug Combinations
dc.subject.meshFlow Cytometry
dc.subject.meshMacrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor
dc.subject.meshRadiation Tolerance
dc.subject.meshStem Cells
dc.titleThe radiosensitivity of populations of murine hemopoietic colony-forming cells that respond to combinations of growth factors.en
dc.contributor.departmentCancer Research Campaign Department of Radiobiology, Paterson Institute for Cancer Research, Christie Hospital, Manchester, UK.en
dc.identifier.journalExperimental Hematologyen
html.description.abstractCombinations of murine recombinant interleukin 3 (IL-3), purified murine macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF), and human recombinant interleukin 1 alpha (IL-1 alpha) were used to determine the effects of growth factors on the measured radiosensitivity of different populations of murine colony-forming cells (CFC). The data showed that combinations of growth factors resulted in different values of CFC radiosensitivity, being less than values observed when colony growth was stimulated using a single factor. For various combinations of growth factors, Do values ranged from 106 +/- 8 to 175 +/- 24 cGy for progenitor cells in normal bone marrow; 74 +/- 3 to 171 +/- 18 cGy for primitive multipotent CFC enriched using fluorescence-activated cell sorting; and from 46 +/- 4 to 131 +/- 10 cGy for more mature granulocyte-macrophage CFC, enriched by counterflow centrifugal elutriation. Only combinations of three factors produced the high values of Do reported in experiments using unpurified conditioned medium as a stimulus for colony formation.

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